Purchase & Sale

We make sure we perform an accurate evaluation of your property.

We perform a preliminary assessment of the market conditions and the existing supply and demand to identify the market price of the property you want to sell.

Legal, tax and urban planning advice of the sale.  That is:

Legal study of the available documents to ensure the correct ownership and to guarantee that we have all the necessary files to perform the sale, without incidents nor delays.

Free registrar verification of the property in the Properties Registry. Obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy, the Energy Certificate and all pertinent documents.

Evaluating the tax impact before the sale, for the seller as well as for the purchaser. Calculating all expenses and taxes: VAT, PIT, Corporation Tax (if applicable), Municipal Tax and Tax on Property Conveyances.

In short, we make sure the sale is performed with full legal guarantees, for both the seller and the purchaser.

We offer full transparency in the transaction, for both the seller and the purchaser.

Our professional accountability is guaranteed by the Real Estate Agents Association in Barcelona and by the Property Administrators Association in Barcelona.

AICAT register no. 1440

We are endorsed by more than 45 years of professional activity in this sector in Barcelona.

Our activity arbitrating sales is protected by a liability policy.
If desired, we offer a comprehensive or partial estimate on your property renovation, with no obligation.